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Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice


A bunch of years back, my cousin gave my mom a juicer for Christmas. He recently started drinking all kinds of different juices and was loving it. Then he made the mistake of mentioning that it was "kinda hard to clean." That's all she needed to hear. That juicer got tucked it away in a cabinet and never even opened it.  Fast forward a couple years and it seemed like celery juicing was everywhere. The Medical Medium wrote a book and everyone seemed to be jumping on board.

I read somewhere that it could help with my endometriosis. If you are or know anyone that suffers with endometriosis, it's brutal and we're always trying to find things that actually help. There is very little out there that actually helps. 

So I gave it a try.  Honestly, it takes just like you'd imagine, liquid celery. Kinda bitter and not super tasty.  The medical medium recommends a very specific protocol for get the full benefits.  Thats being said if something if gross I'm way less likely to actually drink it every day. So I decided to add 1/2 of a small green apple and 1/2 of a cucumber to my celery juice. It's pretty delicious. 

Over the past decade of being a member of the infertility community and and an infertility advocate, it's become alarmingly clear that there is a major problem that we are silently suffering with and not enough people are talking about it. I'm always looking for natural ways that I can improve my overall health and share what I learn with you. 

According to the Medical Medium, women's reproductive health problems have become rampant. Nine out of 10 women have at least one of the following issues: hormone imbalance, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, cysts, breast density, HPV, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, or another.  For me, being on the pill for so long, masked my endometriosis and I didn't realize how major the problem was until I was trying to get pregnant.


As I started reading up on celery juicing these were the top 10 claims:

1. Celery juice contains powerful anti-oxidants and cancer fighting compounds that help to reduce toxicity and boost immunity. Having 2 parents with history of cancer this is always a major concern of mine.

2. It helps to heal your gut so you can digest faster and more efficiently by raising stomach acid. 

3. Contains a compound called 3-n-butylphthalide that has been reported to have a lipid lowering action which may lower cholesterol.  

4. It's a natural anti-inflammatory, that may help to reduce chronic joint pain, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and a myriad of other illnesses caused by inflammation. 

5. Helps to lower blood pressure by acting as a smooth muscle relaxant, helping improve the flow of calcium and potassium. 

6 Aids the liver by reducing fat build up and produce enzymes that help flush fat and toxins out.

7. Improves digestion by increasing circulation in the intestines, which helps with constipation, bloating, puffiness and water retention.

8. Helps to fight infection, naturally boost immunity and bacterial infection in the digestive tract and reproductive organs, prevents UTIs, bladder and kidney infections. 

9. It is one of the more alkaline food you can eat, which has been linked to the prevention of chronic disease. 

10. It is also loaded with essential minerals and vitamins such as folate, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin K and vitamin C.  The luteolin in celery protect the skin and some link it to skin healing properties. 

Now I realize, those are some grandiose claims, for a vegetable that grew up only tolerating, when it was covered in peanut butter.  The scientist in me wishes that there were extensive double blind control trials to truly test their efficacy. Maybe someday there will be.

For now, all I can share is my personal experience. When I consistently drink it, I notice improvement in my bloating and stomach cramping that I struggle with from my endometriosis.  I also noticed it helped to clear up my skin, which has been a huge struggle since I stated having to wear a mask every day.  

As I mentioned I'm not a purest, when it comes to celery juice and maybe some day I will be. Right now I'm on a mission to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself.  I'm in it for the long game. There is a ton of research and articles out there, and the internet has a way of making marketing look like research. So I try and take things with a grain of salt.  As long as it's healthy and natural, it's something I might consider for myself and see how it makes me feel. 

For more information I'd recommend checking out the Medical Medium or picking up one of his books for a deeper dive. Let me know if you it or if you have tried it and if you noticed any difference.  

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